A case on Maan Karate, which was released earlier this month, has been filed in a Chennai city court. The film is being accused of showing the boxing game in a bad taste. A boxer has filed a petition against the makers of the flick and demanded for a ban on the film. Boxer J Krishnamurthy has alleged that Maan Karate shows the sports in the bad taste. Instead of promoting the sports, the Tamil flick discourage aspiring boxers. He wants the Tamil movie to be banned.
"I understand the film is not based on boxing, but the sport has been extensively used in the film. They have disrespected the sport by making a caricature version of it on screen. I have filed a complaint with the city police commissioner requesting to ban the film," Krishnamurthy said. "They have not even followed the rules of the sport. By portraying it in such poor light, a bad impression of the sport is left on aspiring boxers. I wouldn't mind if it was just for a scene, but most of the second half of the film is about boxing," he further adds.
In this case, the magistrate who read the petition has sent a summon to Director A.R.Murugadoss and Actor Siva Karthikeyan. It is expected that Siva will personally appear in the court to explain his part.
SKS NEWS : Fans were already with explicit rage over the complaint. And now the court's order for the Actor to summon in person just creates hyper tension and anger in fans. SKS ( Siva Karthikeyan Source) Blog have already posted a NEWS post about this complaint when it was made. The Fans when asked what they thought about the case at that time and even till now gives the same answer - " If the boxing was showed in poor light, the complaint should be filed up against the director and not the actor. Actor Siva doesn't know boxing and therefore only followed the directions of the director and did not add his ideas in it.
"I understand the film is not based on boxing, but the sport has been extensively used in the film. They have disrespected the sport by making a caricature version of it on screen. I have filed a complaint with the city police commissioner requesting to ban the film," Krishnamurthy said. "They have not even followed the rules of the sport. By portraying it in such poor light, a bad impression of the sport is left on aspiring boxers. I wouldn't mind if it was just for a scene, but most of the second half of the film is about boxing," he further adds.
In this case, the magistrate who read the petition has sent a summon to Director A.R.Murugadoss and Actor Siva Karthikeyan. It is expected that Siva will personally appear in the court to explain his part.
SKS NEWS : Fans were already with explicit rage over the complaint. And now the court's order for the Actor to summon in person just creates hyper tension and anger in fans. SKS ( Siva Karthikeyan Source) Blog have already posted a NEWS post about this complaint when it was made. The Fans when asked what they thought about the case at that time and even till now gives the same answer - " If the boxing was showed in poor light, the complaint should be filed up against the director and not the actor. Actor Siva doesn't know boxing and therefore only followed the directions of the director and did not add his ideas in it.
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